Device-dependent click-through rate estimation in Google organic search results based on clicks and impressions data
Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print
[Original article]
Artur Strzelecki
University of Economics in Katowice
1 Maja 50, 40-287
Katowice, Poland
Andrej Miklosik
Comenius University in Bratislava
Odbojarov 10, 820 05
Bratislava, Slovakia
The landscape of search engine usage has evolved since the last known data were used to calculate click-through rate (CTR) values. The objective was to provide a replicable method for accessing data from the Google search engine using programmatic access and calculating CTR values from the retrieved data to show how the CTRs have changed since the last studies were published.
In this study, the authors present the estimated CTR values in organic search results based on actual clicks and impressions data, and establish a protocol for collecting this data using Google programmatic access. For this study, the authors collected data on 416,386 clicks, 31,648,226 impressions and 8,861,416 daily queries.
The results show that CTRs have decreased from previously reported values in both academic research and industry benchmarks. The estimates indicate that the top-ranked result in Google's organic search results features a CTR of 9.28%, followed by 5.82 and 3.11% for positions two and three, respectively. The authors also demonstrate that CTRs vary across various types of devices. On desktop devices, the CTR decreases steadily with each lower ranking position. On smartphones, the CTR starts high but decreases rapidly, with an unprecedented increase from position 13 onwards. Tablets have the lowest and most variable CTR values.
Practical implications
The theoretical implications include the generation of a current dataset on search engine results and user behavior, made available to the research community, creation of a unique methodology for generating new datasets and presenting the updated information on CTR trends. The managerial implications include the establishment of the need for businesses to focus on optimizing other forms of Google search results in addition to organic text results, and the possibility of application of this study's methodology to determine CTRs for their own websites.
This study provides a novel method to access real CTR data and estimates current CTRs for top organic Google search results, categorized by device.
clicks; click-through rate; desktops; organic search results; clicks; smartphones; tablets
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How to cite:
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