Featured Snippets Comparison in Six European Languages
Marketing and Smart Technologies
[Book Chapter]
Artur Strzelecki
University of Economics in Katowice
1 Maja 50, 40-287
Katowice, Poland
Paulina Rutecka
University of Economics in Katowice
1 Maja 50, 40-287
Katowice, Poland
This paper provides 743,798 keywords and results with featured snippets retrieved from the Google search engine. It presents a comparison of featured snippets displayed in six languages (English, Polish, German, Spanish, Italian, and French) in terms of snippets length, search query length, type of resulted snippet as paragraph, list, or table and top resulting domains for each country. It is found that keywords triggering featured snippets are most at two or three words long and snippets are mainly presented in the form of a paragraph. In each language, the most visible domain resulting with a direct answer was wikipedia.org.
Featured snippet; Google; Search engines; Direct answers
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How to cite:
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